Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 7, 2013

Frequency of Abuse of Prescription and OTC Medication

OTC and prescription medications are used frequently among Americans that are over age 14, including opioid pain relieving medications, stimuli that are commonly prescribed for treating Attention-deficit Disorder (ADD and ADHD), or antidepressant and central nervous system depressants. Prescription and over-the-counter medications are Internal Medicine Center las vegas the most commonly abused drugs among certain communities, including teen-agers and young adults according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Treatment is required by many of the individuals abusing prescription medications at a drug abuse treatment center. A drug treatment center works with someone addicted to prescription medicine or OTC medications within the same way as someone addicted to hard or neighborhood medications. Many patients require constant or long-term care to handle the psychological causes for addiction and follow up care to achieve their objective of addiction recovery. Other OTC drugs typically abused include cough and cold remedies, a number of which are now actually regulated by pharmacies. This could perhaps not be further from the facts as prescription drugs have become extremely abused, while many people genuinely believe that over-the-counter and prescription drugs are safe, and many users seek help from an experienced drug addiction treatment center.